St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
of Williams Township
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
God’s Work. Our Hands.
Background Checks and Clearances
Mandated Reporting
Pennsylvania law defines “mandatory reporters” to include all rostered leaders, paid church employees who work with children, and also volunteers over age 18 who work with children in activities and programs. For churches this means all Sunday school teachers, nursery attendants, VBS volunteers, youth group leaders, etc
Mandatory reporters are those who, when they have reasonable suspicion of child abuse, are required to call the state ChildLine. The new law puts the burden on each mandatory reporter to notify state authorities. They are required to follow up with a written report. Willful failure to report is punishable by law.
Background Checks
The new law requires these two background clearances for all mandated reporters every 60 months (5 years).
Child Abuse History Clearance Form (CY-113) – Obtained from the Department of Human Services. Click here for online access.
Pennsylvania State Police Request for Criminal Record Check Form (SP4-164). Click here for online access.
FBI Fingerprint Record Checks are additionally required for all employees (including rostered leaders) and for any volunteers who have not lived in PA for 10 years. This is done through IdentoGo. When you seek an appointment for the fingerprinting and to submit your background information, you will need a “Service Code” in order to complete the information.
Volunteers should use the DHS Volunteer Code – 1KG6ZJ. [Note: the last letter is a capital J.]
Employees over 14 years of age should use Code – 1KG756.